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January 29, 2017

What do companies and employees value in the workplace


The salary and the conditions of the place where the tasks are done are important for the workers; the organization highlights the opportunities



Three out of ten employees say that he will probably leave his current job in the next two years, according to the results of a global survey on talent management and compensation made by consultant Willis Towers Watson. It is a worrying statistic for companies that try to maintain and retain talent in their organization. On the part of employers, they confirm the difficulty: three out of four respondents said they faced problems in retaining high potential employees (74%) and a significant proportion of them said they had difficulty retaining employees with outstanding performance (62%) or with skills reviews (40%)

The fact is that the study shows that there is a disagreement between what employees value most to stay in a job and what their employers do to keep them satisfied.

The economic retribution and the physical conditions of the workspace are two of the three most mentioned factors by the employees, but they are not in the same order of priorities for the employers. In the classification of the relevant factors for job satisfaction, employees chose a fair salary as the most quoted, both when joining a company and choosing to remain in it.

Employers did not cite the salary among the five drivers of attraction they consider most important. "For employees, the salary argument is usually the least compromised response to give when leaving work and talking with a boss or with the one who does the exit interview," said Mariano Bergman, deputy director of Executive Education at the School of Management. Business of the Torcuato Di Tella University. He said that the three factors that move the needle to retain employees are: professional development, the learning culture or feedback and the relationship with the bosses. "The salary is a short-term tool to maintain employee satisfaction and is not sustainable to retain talent," says Bergman and also points out that if the feedback tool is dismissed, damage is generated in the link between workers and their bosses. .

Likewise, the physical work environment for employees is among the three main reasons why they choose to remain in a company, while for employers that reason is not among the ten main factors of retention. An improvement of the facilities of the company is a good investment for those firms that seek to retain their employees.

The attraction of good human resources is also a challenge: two out of every three employers in Argentina have problems attracting employees with critical skills (72%) and employees with high potential (67%). And more than half, always according to the survey, refers complications to attract those of outstanding performance (58%).

Many companies allocate resources to build an "employer brand" to improve their positioning in the face of future candidates. The study confirms that, for employers, the reputation of the organization is the second reason they consider key for people to join a company. However, for employees, this reason ranks seventh.

On the other hand, professional development is a fundamental issue for employees, although many argue that they do not find opportunity in their current jobs. Almost half (47%) cited it as a key reason to join a company and four out of ten said it is something key to stay in it (39%). However, only a third of them (35%) indicated that their company offers real development opportunities, while four out of ten (43%) said they would have to change employers to advance to a higher level job. Surprisingly, companies fail to recognize this discontent. From the perspective of employers, almost all (95%) believe to be effective in providing opportunities for professional development, while a third (32%) stated that, compared to the previous year, development opportunities Professionals are improving.

Something striking in the results of the region is that one of the reasons why workers choose to leave the company is travel time to work. For Latin American employees, it is the third most selected reason, after the base salary and the opportunity to advance in the career.

Factors of attraction to the firm
What is valued to specify a new employment relationship

What matters most to the employee

The base salary is the most mentioned by the people when explaining why they choose a job, both in the country and globally

The second place in mentions is for job security, both

September 17, 2016

Millennials: 85 percent would not give up the job of their dreams or for a better salary

They get bored easily and run away from routine, but they claim to be more efficient and

Producers, they prioritize growing and the feedback of their bosses matters to them. How are the -35 at work, according to themselves.


That they are easy distracted. That they do not commit to the company that hires them and abandon their position after a year of work. Faced with the massive influx of millennials - young people under 35 - to the global workforce, some of their employers - babyboomers, belonging to a previous generation - faced an arduous job when living together and adapting to the profile of their new employees.

To define them what their objectives are, what their strengths and what their weaknesses, the job posting portal surveyed a sample of 1000 applicants belonging to the universe in question. Next, the results.

Efficiency (44%) and persistence (20%) were the main strengths indicated by those consulted, while proactivity (24%) and the desire to learn (23%) were mentioned as the most important skills at the time. to work

At the time of looking for work, having possibilities of growth and that the position represents a constant challenge - together with a good work environment, having flexible hours and an acceptable salary - is what the millennials prioritize. When it comes to giving up, the main motivations appear after the few possibilities of growth, a low salary and a bad work environment.

However, 85 percent said they would not give up their dream job or someone else with a higher salary.

Finally, half of the respondents recognized their biggest weakness as they do not like routine, and another 27 percent confessed that they get bored or demotivated easily. On the other hand, 4 out of 10 said that to stay motivated feedback is key to their work, while a quarter of respondents preferred to receive constant benefits, and 17 percent, economic incentives.

5 tips for not staying out in the labor market

The labor market has been revolutionized in recent years, and very little resembles that of doing just a few decades (to say the least). Therefore, professionals have to recycle and continue our training on a constant basis.

In addition, if we do not want to stay "out" of the labor market, we will have to adapt to the latest trends and know everything that is "in" in our sector and area of ​​work. To try to help you, we leave you 5 tips that you should follow to raja tabla:

1º Know the new professions and get yourself started
To really know how the sector of the company in which you work is evolving ?, the new professions that have appeared in it? The first step in not staying out of the labor market will be to know it thoroughly, analyze it and train you to be really prepared and up to date.

2º Do you use the latest tools?
Social networks, online platforms or Moodle, the latest tools that have been appearing in each sector and professional area ... multiple are the novelties that surround the vast majority of jobs; from manuals and "field", to office ones.

Therefore, if you want to be a good professional you must be up to date, and control the tools that surround your sector.

3rd Networking
Networking will help you to relate with other professionals in the sector, with what, on the one hand you will be able to learn from them and be up to date; and on the other establish strategic relationships that may be worth in the future.

It is a very useful meeting both for professions that are looking for work, for those who want to improve their job status, or those who simply want to improve in their position.

4th Enter Social Networks
Social networks are fantastic platforms for information on the latest news from the professional sectors. For that reason, in them you will be able to be at the last of everything. And, also, make an image for other professionals or companies; increasing your online visibility and reputation

5th Be at the last of the labor market
This last advice can be understood as a compendium of the previous 4, to which we must add the search in other types of information platforms. Read magazines and reports from the sector, HR, new technologies, communication ... so that nothing escapes your reach.

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